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-Due to new versions or revisions, color deviations, retail package alterations and other variations that may be considered inconsequential by the manufacture all items may vary in color/style/design/size. strives for accuracy in all item descriptions, photographs, compatibility references, detailed specifications, pricing, links and any other product-related information contained herein or referenced on our Web site. Due to human error and other factors we cannot guarantee that all item descriptions, photographs, compatibility references, detailed specifications, pricing, links and any other product-related information listed is entirely accurate, complete or current, nor can we assume responsibility for these errors. In the event a product listed on our Web site is labeled with an incorrect price due to some typographical, informational, technical or other error, shall at its sole discretion have the right to refuse and/or cancel any order for said product and immediately amend, correct and/or remove the inaccurate information. does not assume responsibility for the claims and/or representations made on any other Web sites. is not responsible for changes or variations in product specifications and/or physical appearance. In the interest of our customers, puts forth its best efforts to ensure that all product information is up-to-date and factual. Unfortunately there are varying determinates which, although infrequent, could cause the information on our Web site to become outdated without our immediate knowledge. This includes but is not limited to new versions or revisions, color deviations, retail package alterations and other variations that may be considered inconsequential by the manufacturer. relies on the manufacturer to communicate these differences. Presently we have no way of alerting customers prior to purchase in the event the manufacturer fails to do so. Consequently, will not be held responsible for product revision changes.
- You must be at least 21 years old and have the legal rights in your community to possess the material displayed.
- You must be fully aware of the laws and regulations in your community. You are solely responsible for any actions.
- and all parties involved with this website in NO WAY accept responsibility for the use of products advertised on this website.
- This site is for an ADULT Audience Only.
- I warrant that it is legal to view such content in my locale and country.
- I will not permit any minor, or any person who would find this personally offensive, to view this material.
- I hold that free people have the right to decide for themselves what they will read and view without interference from any governmental organization.
- I certify that I am not a city, county, state or official federal law enforcement officer, foreign official, or inspector for the U.S. Postal Service, ordering merchandise as evidence for the prosecution of or harassment of any individual or organization.
- All products advertised on this website are not intended for illegal use. Certain products advertised herein may not be legal in all states that this website is available in. We hereby ask all visitors to this website to check their States laws before ordering certain products advertised on this website. does not want to induce anyone to act in conflict with his or her States laws.
- All orders are subject to acceptance. The management reserves the right to withhold and/or cancel any order at any time, without notice or reason.
- We reserve the right to use alternative methods to contact you regarding order confirmation. Please provide proper telephone number where business is based.
COBHA. LLC is located in Louisiana, USA and will follow all applicable laws. In some states it is forbidden to import, stock and supply some products. It is necessary for you to be aware of your own states laws and regulations.
- 10% Restocking fee for change in quantity or canceled orders.
COBHA. LLC cannot be held responsible for the misuse of these products.
- All of the products and accessories are for tobacco or legal herb use only. Any use of these products other than their intended use makes the user solely responsible, at their own risk, cost and other consequences.
- We expressly point out that all those who purchase our products are responsible for their actions in the future.
- This site and our products are not intended for persons under 21 years old. Sales to minors are forbidden.
- Keep all products out of reach of children
- If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
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